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Toyota - Aitor Francesena DC

The ocean demands respect. Ask Aitor Francesena and he will tell you how falling from a wave changed his life forever. He was left blind and with little hope of ever surfing again. But when you love it, you just can’t leave it.

Toyota - Rannveig Aamodt DC

In 2012, midway through a mountain climb, Rannveig fell 15m and broke her back, both ankles, pelvis, and elbow. She almost died and had to use a wheelchair for two months while she learnt to walk again. Now she travels the world looking for mountains that have never been climbed before.

Toyota - Lily Rice DC

Lily’s world was turned upside down when she was 11. At an age when her friends were starting senior school, she had to start using a wheelchair. But where most people would see a steep obstacle in the middle of the way, Lily saw a ramp. Now she is the only European female to do a backflip in a wheelchair.

Toyota - Simona Atzori DC

Simona was born with no arms and rejected prosthetics from an early age. The truth was, there was nothing wrong with her. It was the people trying to make her fit into their idea of what a body should be who were wrong. Today, the successful author, artist and motivational speaker is also a classical ballerina.

All films directed by Johnny Hardstaff

Produced by Independent Film London

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