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OrelSan - Ensemble (feat. Skread) [CLIP OFFICIEL]
Director - Quentin Deronzier
DOP - Cezary Zacharewicz
Executive Producer - Anna Roudaut
Line Producer : Robin Lavaud
Production coordinator : Marguerite Vernier
Stylist : Rae Boxer
Stylist Assistant : Joel Traptow
Post-producer: Francoise Hernandez
Editor @ Ice cream: Hugo Beron
Grader: Arthur Paux
Assistant edit and grade: Emilien Denis
VFX Supervisor /Flame artist : Anthony Lestremau: Mixage
Son : Felower
3D supervisor : Julien Missaire
3D artist: Vitaliy Havrylyuk
3D artist: Bruno Dias
Flame artist: Alexi Baillia
Nuke artist: Alexandre Renet
Track: Arthur Hache Roto
clean @Sancio
VFX: Naresh B
Production Service - TA Production CEO - Serge Thimbre
EP - John Muche
Producer - Arthur Morel
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